Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life in the Medina

So I'm pretty sure I'm the only Asian in Morocco. Well maybe not the only one, but one of the very, very few. Today we were walking on the streets and a man goes "konichiwa" or whatever hello is in Japanese. When I was trying to exchange money at the airport, the banker asked if I had yens. I think it's pretty hilarious that everyone assumes I'm straight from Asia just because I'm Asian. Some things never change.
Besides that, my roommate and I have made friends with the shop owners across the street from our house. They always make sure to tell us that our house is indeed straight across from them so we don't miss it like we have I had to go back 3 times to try and ask for laundry detergent because I didn't know how to say it in Arabic and kept forgetting what it was called after asking my host sister twice.
Our Moroccan Arabic professor is also pretty hilarious. The other day she had to pause in between teaching to take a hit of her always seems like she's ready to burst out dancing while teaching. It makes for a pretty entertaining 3 hour class.
So I guess you really just have to find the humor in everything while you're abroad, because not everything will go how you want or expect it to. It's made for some pretty good times already.
Anyway, enough of my are a few more pictures I took today.

 The medina is a haven for cats.

 A lost donkey in the medina? It almost ran me over.

 Just a glimpse of what I see everyday here in Fes.


  1. The picture with the Donkey is quality! Keep exploring Chan.

  2. I can just imagine you trying not to laugh as your host mom just lets out a huge burp.. Miss you!
