Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The first few days

So these four first days have been pretty crazy, filled with ups and downs. Today I was walking back with my roommate to our house after class and we got extremely lost in the medina (city). 2 young Moroccan boys tried to help us out and we wandered around for a half hour in scorching 90 degree heat until we miraculously ran into our host mom, who gave the boys directions in Arabic. I still don't think I know how to get back to our house haha.
Besides that, we went on a tour of the old medina, which is basically like the China town of Morocco. We got to see how they dye leather and how they make scarves and fabrics.
Our host mom is probably the funniest though. She always tries to force us to eat more food and never hesitates to let out a loud burp during dinner or while she's praying. She doesn't speak French or English, so the language barrier has made for some pretty interesting and awkward times, but nonetheless, I think me and my roommate are going to miss her when we leave.
I do miss the United States, especially this summer. But honestly, being out of the country has opened my eyes up to so much already.
One of the hotels we stayed at.

Our host family's living room.

The view from their window. Beautiful.

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